Pension built up in the past
Did you work for ING in the past and did you build up pension there? If your employment ends, you no longer build up pension in the CDC pension plan, which is administered by ING CDC Pensioenfonds. You retain your right to the old-age pension, partner pension and orphans’ pension you built up in ING CDC Pensioenfonds. You also retain any pension rights you transferred to ING CDC Pensioenfonds from another fund in the past. Just like all pensions in ING CDC Pensioenfonds, your pension is dependent on the financial resources held by the fund, meaning that if the fund’s resources are sufficient, indexation of your pension rights will be possible, but if they are insufficient, your pension rights may be reduced.
Once every three years, you will be provided with an overview, which gives you a current estimate of the amount of pension that ING CDC Pensioenfonds will pay you after you have turned 67.
There are various reasons for someone’s employment with ING to end: resignation, dismissal, incapacitation for work, starting one’s own business or taking early retirement. Go to Life events to find out more about how these situations will affect your pension.
Hopefully, you will soon afterwards be able to find a new job that provides you with a pension plan. There are several things you can do with regard to pension you have already built up, such as a value transfer or a commute (if the pension is small). For a well-informed decision concerning value transfer, you could use the Pension Comparison Tool.