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My pension has started
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When will you notice the introduction of the new pension system?
On 1 July 2023, the Dutch Future of Pensions Act (Wet toekomst pensioenen) entered into force. This means the introduction of the new pension system in the Netherlands is now a fact. So when will things start changing for you?
The employer and the trade unions (i.e. the social partners) are currently negotiating on the terms and conditions of your new pension plan. They are the parties deciding on the contents of the new pension plan, given that pension is an employment benefit that’s covered by the collective labour agreement (CLA).
As your pension fund, we assess the feasibility of the terms and conditions of your new pension plan. That's our role in relation to the social partners. At this point in time, the negotiations have not progressed far enough to provide you with a first outline of your new pension plan. Many assessments and decisions have yet to be made. As long as we don’t have more clarity on the situation, we will not disclose any part of the new pension plan. After all, the pension plan is a whole body of interconnected terms and conditions. So please be patient for a little while longer.
One thing is certain: the new pension plan will take effect no later than on 1 January 2028, as that deadline has been fixed by law. Nevertheless, we are aiming to have your new pension plan take effect on 1 January 2027. From that date, you should be able to see your new pension in ‘My Pension’: your personal portal where you can find details on your own pension capital.
We'll keep you informed of the news as it develops, through our website, news flashes and quarterly updates.