We regularly receive questions about the new pension system. Such as: “I am close to my retirement date. What would be the best moment to start my retirement? Just before or just after the transition?”
The new pension system is scheduled to take effect on 1 January 2027 at the latest. Regardless of whether you are still working or already retired – it will apply to all of us.
New rules
Here's a reminder of what's going on. The social partners (ING and the trade unions) are making new agreements for the pension plan. They can choose between two types of pension schemes: a solidarity contribution plan or a flexible contribution plan. They will also decide whether or not the new pension rules will apply to already existing pension rights. This is referred to as conversion.
When to start your retirement
You don't need to wait for the new pension system to take effect if you wish to start your retirement for business-related and/or private reasons. For instance, you might want to opt for early retirement because you've had a long career at ING already. The new pension system will apply to you whether you retire before or after it takes effect. In other words, you won't be able to avoid that anyway.
We can imagine you might have questions about the new pension system. You can get in touch with: bestuursbureau@ing.cdcpensioen.nl. We will send you our reply within several days.