The results of ING CDC Pensioenfonds’ annual pension survey have been received. Almost all of the scores improved in comparison with 2014. The overall level of satisfaction increased from 7 to 7,1 on a 10-point scale.
From 2 September to 4 October 2015, 829 employees of ING took part in this survey. Twenty employees responded to the English version of the survey, which had been made available for the first time this year.
The score for overall satisfaction increased from 7 to 7.1. Seven out of ten employees are aware of the fact that their pension at ING CDC Pensioenfonds was modified on 1 January 2015. This awareness is a good thing, because risks have been transferred to the pension fund participants, who are themselves responsible for making sure their pension benefits will ultimately be sufficient to meet their future needs. Almost eight out of ten employees are aware of that responsibility.
Employees are more satisfied with the pension fund’s information tools than they were in 2014, raising the score from 7 to 7.3. Moreover, 80%, 83% and 85% of all employees, respectively, said they are satisfied or very satisfied with the Uniform Pension Overview (UPO), the Pension Planner and the pension fund’s website. They are less satisfied about the content of the emails they have been receiving from the pension fund, and about the information provided in brochures. The pension fund will work to improve the quality of these information tools in collaboration with the pension sounding board.
For more information on the outcome of the survey, please contact the board bureau.