Ill or incapacitated for work
Being ill or incapacitated for work is very unfortunate. Not only physically or mentally; being ill or incapacitated for work can also have an adverse effect on your income and your pension.
Frequently asked questions
If I became ill or incapacitated for work, what do I need to report to the pension fund?
You do not need to report anything to the pension fund, as your employer will do that for you. If you have any questions, please contact the Pension Desk.
Below you will find a summary of the relevant elements of this life event. Click on the header title to unfold it and see the information.
Being ill or incapacitated for work while you are employed by ING
If you become ill or incapacitated for work, you will receive an income from ING over the first two years of your sick leave. This income accrues pension. During your sick leave, you will be required to pay your own share of the pension contribution. After the first two years of sick leave, your income will be dependent on your situation. The Institute for Employee Benefit Schemes (UWV) will conduct a medical examination to assess how much paid work you are able to perform.
During your sick leave, you do not need to report your situation to ING CDC Pensioenfonds. The pension fund will receive this information from ING.
Important note:
- If you were already on sick leave during the four weeks preceding 1 December 2013 and you have not yet fully recovered, you are subject to a different set of rules (you are considered fully recovered when you have completely resumed your work for an uninterrupted period of four weeks).
- If you were already ill or incapacitated for work when you started your employment, you are subject to a different set of rules.
For more information, please contact the Pension Desk.
Partial incapacitated for work
If the Institute for Employee Benefit Schemes (UWV) considers you partially unfit for work, you do not need to report your situation to us. ING CDC Pensioenfonds will receive this information from the UWV. They will also report a change in your percentage of incapacitation.
In principle, you will stay employed by ING. Your pension accrual will be continued as usual, but you will only be required to pay your own share of the pension contribution for the hours that you are working. If your employment is terminated after all, your pension accrual for the hours that you were working will be discontinued. However, your pension will continue to accrue for the hours that you were on sick leave before your employment was terminated.
If you wish, you can take out insurance at Nationale-Nederlanden to cover the WGA gap (Resumption of Work by Partially Fit Persons Regulation). You can do this via Workday. Contact your employer for more information (One Intranet).
Full and permanent incapacitated for work
If you are entitled to benefits because you are fully and permanently incapacitated for work, you do not need to report your situation to ING CDC Pensioenfonds. We will receive this information from the Institute for Employee Benefit Schemes (UWV). The UWV will provide you with benefits under the Income Provision to Persons with Full Incapacity for Work Act (IVA) as part of the Work and Income (Ability to Work) Act (WIA). If your pension income exceeds the maximum daily wage amount under the WIA, you will not only receive IVA benefits, but also a supplemental IVA pension from Nationale-Nederlanden.
You will continue to build up pension at ING CDC Pensioenfonds based on the level of your former income. You will no longer need to pay your own share of the pension contribution. As from the first day of the month in which you turn 67, you will receive old-age pension from ING CDC Pensioenfonds. If you pass away, your partner will be entitled to partner pension and your children to orphans’ pension.